Σάββατο 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

Κυκλοφορεί το Hip Hop-Indie Rock "ORAMA" by JGARD

Ο JGard  γνωστός και ως Γιάννης Γαρδέλης, μέλος και τραγουδιστής των "Blancos",
που πήραν μέρος στο φετινό Athens School Festival 2016 και έπαιξαν στο AN CLUB,
κυκλοφόρησε το πρώτο του δίσκο.
Το είδος μουσικής θα εκπλήξει σε όσους αρέσει η Hip Hop-Indie Rock
και υπόσχεται πολλά ακόμη, ετοιμάζοντας βίντεο κλιπ.

Απο τις 23/12/2016 κυκλοφορεί το Album και είναι διαθέσιμο για προπώληση.
Πού μπορούμε να το προμηθευτούμε?
(Εξώφυλλο του άλμπουμ ORAMA)
Θα μπορείτε να το προμηθευτείτε σε όλες τις ηλεκτρονικές πλατφόρμες (itunes,amazon κλπ), αλλά και σε φυσική CD μορφή σε όλα τα δισκοπωλεία πρώτα ο Θεός.

Πώς πάνε οι σπουδές σας και πώς καταφέρεται να τα συνδυάζετε μαζί?
Οι σπουδές πάνε καλά, θα δείξει και ο χρόνος... Αν αγαπάς πραγματικά αυτό που κάνεις, καταφέρεις εύκολα να το συνδυάζεις με την καθημερινότητά σου.

Πού ήταν οι τελευταίες σας εμφανίσεις σας και που θα είναι η επόμενή σας?
Κάναμε τις 2 τελευταίες εμφανίσεις στις 10 και 16 Δεκεμβρίου 2016, σε ένα χώρο στο Κορωπί και σε έναν χώρο στη Λεωφόρο Μαραθώνος, Πικέρμι/Αττικής αντίστοιχα. Οι επόμενες θα ανακοινωθούν σύντομα και θα είναι μετά την κυκλοφορία του δίσκου, όπου θα πωλούνται και CDs μας.

Έχουν γίνει τα πρώτα γυρίσματα για το πρώτο βίντεο κλίπ σας. Για ποιό κομμάτι και πού γυρίστηκε?
(O JGard -Γιάννης Γαρδέλης- στα γυρίσματα του βίντεο κλίπ "Χθές βράδυ")
(Γιάννης Γαρδέλης, Χάρης Βάσσος μαζί με τον Νικία Αλεξανδρή, 
που πραγματοποίησε την σκηνοθεσία και τα γυρίσματα του βίντεο κλίπ)

Τα γυρίσματα για το πρώτο επίσημο βίντεο κλιπ μας τελείωσαν και σύντομα θα είναι στις οθόνες σας. Γυρίστηκε στον Πειραιά και στη Ραφήνα, για το κομμάτι "Χθές το βράδυ". Θέλω να ευχαριστήσω μέσα απο την καρδιά μου το Νικία Αλεξανδρή που ανέλαβε τη σκηνοθεσία κ τα γυρίσματα του βίντεο και την Μαίρη Νεστορίδου στο μοντάζ του βίντεο. Είμαστε ευγνώμων για όλα όσα έχει κάνει και πάνω απο όλα για την καρδιά του που συμμερίζεται την αγάπη μας για το Θεό. Πιστεύω πως το αποτέλεσμα θα είναι το καλύτερο δυνατό. Μένει να το αγκαλιάσει ο κόσμος!

Τί έχει στοιχίσει η δισκογραφική δουλεία σας έως τώρα, πέρα των νεύρων, άγχους, χρόνου ηχογράφησης, απογοητεύσεων που δηλώσατε στα social media? 
Πώς έχετε καλύψει τα έξοδα έως τώρα?
Είναι αλήθεια πως δεν είναι καθόλου εύκολο να κυκλοφορήσεις ένα δίσκο. Τα παραπάνω τα έγραψα για να τονίσω πως χωρίς σκληρή δουλειά κ επιμονή δεν επιτυγχάνεται τίποτα.
Δεν υπάρχει "overnight success" γι' αυτό έχουμε δώσει το χρόνο μας, το χρήμα κ τη δύναμη μας για να πετύχουμε το καλύτερο.

(New Dream Records. Η δισκογραφική που έχει εκδόσει το άλμπουμ)

Δόξα στο Θεό καταφέραμε να υπογράψουμε ένα συμβόλαιο με τη δισκογραφική εταιρεία
Νew Dream Records και η manager μας, μας βοήθησε απίστευτα και της οφείλουμε πολλά, ειδικά εγώ προσωπικά ως Γιάννης. Κατέχει μια πορεία 15χρόνων σε όλα τα είδη τής μουσικής και στην ίδρυση πολλών δισκογραφικών εταιρειών με έδρα το εξωτερικό.
H  εταιρεία  New Dream Records στηρίζει και βοηθά τους καλλιτέχνες να προχωρήσουν σωστά
σύμφωνα με τα παγκόσμια  στάνταρτ. Είναι χριστoκεντρική, που σημαίνει ότι όλοι  οι κανόνες των συνεργασιών είναι σύμφωνα με την Βίβλο. Πολλά από τα έσοδα της εταιρείας πάνε στην στήριξη απόρων παιδιών, για την μόρφωση και την Ιατρική περίθαλψη των οικογενειών τους.
Εύχομαι να τους δικαιώσουμε που πίστεψαν σε εμάς και στο "Οrama" μας.

Για όσους θέλουν να βοηθήσουν με τα έξοδα του άλμπουμ σας, πως μπορούν να το κάνουν? Μπορούν απλά να μας δείξουν οτι μας στηρίζουν πρακτικά.
Έχουμε συνηθίσει να υποστηρίζουμε celebrities, ξεχνώντας πως αυτοί έφτασαν εκεί που έφτασαν αρχικά με τη στήριξη των δικών τους ανθρώπων.
Φυσικά και η οικονομική βοήθεια θα μας ήταν απίστευτα χρήσιμη.
Ωστόσο εμείς κυρίως ζητάμε την αγάπη, την προώθηση στους γύρω σας.
Να αγοράσετε το CD, να διαδοθεί το μήνυμα.
Τα υπόλοιπα θα ακολουθήσουν μόνα τους.

Για παραγγείες:

Νικίας Αλεξανδρής, www.nikiasphotography.gr,
Facebook: NikiasPhotography

Μαίρη Νεστορίδου, Instagram: nestoridou_mary

NEW DREAM RECORDS, www.newdreamrecords.co/

Ν.Σ. 24/12/2106

Κυριακή 18 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

Greek CRESCENDO musicians visiting refugee camps

Crescendo musicians Kostis Papazoglou and Marini Peikidou,
visited on the 29th of November the refugee camp Vasilika
in the north of Greece and on the 3rd of December 2016
the refugee camp Karetepe at the Greek island of Lesvos
and sharing their experiences with kids and adults.

Crescendo is a ministry that uses music and arts in general for sharing
the good news of God’s love with more people.
This message comes out of the text from the hymns of cantatas and even from the music itself.
Religious music is full of serenity and soothes the soul.
We have experienced this effect many times, helping people come closer to God.
As performers, but also as music pedagogues, we have the tools
that help us communicate with people without talking and have the sense of unity
and closeness with persons we meet that moment for the first time.
This is the non-verbal communication that only music has to offer!

You are a musician. How did the Organization SAVE THE CHILDREN 
get your attention and invite you?
Crescendo is a network of Christian musicians.
One of our volunteers works for SAVE THE CHILDREN
and suggested that we should visit Vasilika, to have a creative music time
with children. All were so happy of how the interaction went, that they invited us
also at Christmas time, to get kids familiar with Christmas songs/Christian culture.

Vasilika. How is the condition at the camps and what was the impact of your music to the kids? 
(view of the Vasilika refugee camp)
(Musicians Kostis and Marini, learning the kids the song "Singing all together")

The situation in Vasilika is that they live without heating, in an old abandoned storage
building. Children have some education and creative time every day.
The NGO’s own white new tents and host for a few hours groups of children,
teaching them English, having creative music lesson, art projects etc.
The children wanted to welcome us, so they drew and cut a violin and a flute out of carton,
painted it brown, like wood and hung it in the tent where the concert was to take place.
Their teachers have informed them about our instruments and prepared the event very well.
Children were smiling the whole time. They were very interested in what was happening,
they wanted to touch the violin, which they apparently saw for the first time in their lives from so close. They behaved quietly for a longer period of time than usual, as we have been told by their teachers later, but it is obvious that there is a long way to go for them to integrate into Greek society,
the time they can focus is limited, as they haven’t been to proper school class for years now...

Were there any talented or children familiar with music in the camps?
(CRESCENDO Musicians entertaining and singing with the kids)

Most of the kids have excellent musical abilities and they could sing a new song by
hearing it only once. They all sung together and participated as a body percussion
musical game, except for the teenagers who had limited participation.
I, as a music pedagogue, taught them the different sounds and dynamics that they can create
with their own body and voice, without any instruments.
Kids were thrilled and memorized the pattern very quickly.
One girl was invited by Kostis to take the position of a choir conductor  and wave her hands in rhythm and although she was one of the shyest girls, she did great and we could see
how self-assertive that moment was for her, to stand out of the rest for a while.
Another boy as little as 8 or 9 years old could whistle so clearly and in tune!
Children have no access to music education in their home countries.

Is the local economy of Lesvos focused on the NGOs and how bad is the impact of the
Refugee Crisis to the citizens of the island?
Lesvos is a beautiful island, with many touristic sites, archaeological museums and
traditional villages. The scenery is breathtaking in some parts of the islands, so it
used to attract tourists.
Since Turkey is in a close distance and the boats started arriving since July 2015 in large numbers,
the island was filled with refugees walking towards the harbor to get a ticket to Athens.
This has ruined the vacation season for two years now, since people were filling the beaches,
squares and had no access to proper personal hygiene.
Now that the camps host nearly 5000 refugees from different countries, there are less people
on the streets.
The economy of the island is not dependent on the refugees and life goes on for the majority as a struggle to cope with the financial crisis.
The Aegean University has 3000 students and is for many years a benefiting institution for the island.
Many Christians from all over the world volunteer or have a job within the NGO’s.

How do the citizens feel about the refugees?
Many citizens of Lesvos help the NGO’s or local churches to feed, dress and offer
services to the refugees.
We haven’t met local people being hostile to them.
Refugees walk on the picturesque harbor of Mytilene, beside the locals and the tourists,
take the bus and spend time outside the camp in harmony.
The situation is explosive inside the camps because of the overpopulation and the close encounter
of ethnicities that are enemies to one another and are forced to live in nearby tents, or share facilities.

Is there any opportunity for you to go to other camps in the future?

(Singing the song "Glorify Thy name" and preparing for the concert)

Our experience with refugees was always very positive, because art brings out the best out of people. We sang hymns in English and explained a little bit about the text and people were glad to speak about God. They smile broadly and feel in agreement, that God is great and everything is dedicated to Him, of course they mean Allah. Nevertheless, it is a base to start a civilized conversation and have a peaceful time within an atmosphere of unity.
(Friendship with Afghan musician Omid)

The Afghan young man who we met in Lesvos, is a musician in his country and played the guitar and sang his own songs for us. We were sharing the same guitar and played songs taking turns one after the other. The interaction was so unifying that he wanted us to take pictures after we finished. We exchanged names and addresses so that we keep in contact and we hope to meet him again.
Music has the advantage of helping people communicate with open hearts.

 CrescendoHellas. Street Karaiskaki 22, 54641Thessaloniki
Phone: +30 2310 887087.  
Mobile: +30 6938383239 
Email: crescendoHellas@gmail.com
Facebook: CrescendoHellas

18/12/2016 N.S.

Σάββατο 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

2 Runners of the classical Marathon in Greece share their experinces

Pheidippides, the central figure in the story, 
was the inspiration for the modern sporting event, of the Marathon race, 
run from the city of Marathon to deliver the news
of a military victory against the Persians at the Battle of Marathon.
He fulfilled his purpose, in the past. 
Nowadays 2 modern runners share their purpose 
running on the Marathon on the 13th November 2016.
(Statue of Pheidippides alongside the Marathon Road)
Christian Schöps. 
Age 36, from Germany and living nowadays in Chania, Crete,
working as an Christian missionary, 
combining spiritual work with social services.

Thanos Charalampidis. 
Age 25, from Greece living outside of Athens in a small town named Koropi,
working in a NGO as the Athens Coordinator,
supporting Greeks and refugees.

How long do you run and when was the first time you attend this Marathon?
C.S. I run for over 20 years, but this was my first Marathon.
A.C. I remember my self running since I was a small boy.
This year I ran my 3rd Athens Marathon 42 klm.

(The historical route map of the Marathon map in Greece)

Was there a purpose you run for? 
C.S. Because of my work I am sitting a lot in the office.
So I decided to take part at the Marathon.
As deciding to join the Marathon, the great purpose was to bring
the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Athens,
so we prepared the running dress with evangelistic messages on it.
(Christian Schöps runs for... Jesus)
A.C. As every time, I run to raise support for the orphanage that my dad founded,
In this Marathon 2016 I ran to Raise_The_Roof.
The cost is 10.000 euros to build the roof of T.O.M.'s
newest christian school for orphans.

(Athanasios Charalampidis is running for TANZANIA ORPHANS MISSION)

What is the first thing that comes to your mind 
when someone asks you about the Greek Marathon? 
C.S. I am always thinking about the runner,
who brought the good news about the victory to the people of Athens,
what a great message we do have in Jesus Christ to bring to the people.
A.C. When I think about the authentic Athens marathon,
I think of the historical victory of Greeks and the victory that we can have in Jesus Christ.
It is not my job to win the battle of life, but I am just the messenger
who has to run all over the world to bring this massage of hope and love.
(Athanasios Charalampidis)

Which was the most hard part at the original Marathon route? 
C.S. The last 6 klm. had been really challenging and hurt a lot.
With the goal before me, not to give up.
(Christian Schöps)

A.C. The authentic route of the marathon is the hardest worldwide, 
but when you get to the 25th klm. you think that this is the impossible race.
This is where most of the runners give up.

What was the most exciting part/kilometer of the Marathon for you and why? 
C.S. The most exciting part was the running down to the stadium in Athens,
with the crowds at the road, shouting and encouraging me for the last meters.
Their enthusiasm was great and gave an extra portion of power.
When we are on hard roads we need people beside us,
that encourage and strengthen us.
A.C. The most exciting moment of the marathon race is when you enter the stadium.
Everyone is cheering and when you cross the finish line...
there are no words to describe it.
It's heavenly.

On what way does the Marathon run, help you to see life? 
C.S. I am very thankful, that God has given me a body, that is able to complete the race.
We all are able to do some good actions with our bodies and hearts.
I never want to lose the goal - eternity - out of sight,
no matter how tough life will be and where the road will lead me:
Therefore, since we are encompassed with such a great cloud of witnesses, 
let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily entangles us, 
and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. 
Let us look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, 
who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, 
despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. 
For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, 
lest you become weary and your hearts give up. 
Hebrews, Bible 12, 1-3.
A.C. Life is short, but it seems too long.
This race helps me think of the importance to encourage one another and life with stability.
It is not about the finish line but about the journey,
especially when you know that you are going to get to the finish line.

On what place did you end? 
C.S. 3434, in 3:58:49 hours
(Christian Schöps ending the race)
A.C. 11000. I know that I started last, but finish with my head held up high.
(Athanasios Charaalampidis ending the race)

N.S. 4/12/2016